February 28, 1993 - From the February, 1993 issue

Inside Planning: Around the City and the Region

The Planning Report presents snapshots of recent "managed growth" news in the Los Angeles region. Updates on the Congestion Management Program, the Alameda Plan, and the L.A. Mayor race and more.

New MTA Board Members

With the February 1st merger of the L.A. County Transportation Commission (LACTC) and the Southern California Rapid Transit District (SCRTD), a new Board will be governing transit policy. Last month, TPR reported on the Los Angeles County appointees, and during January, Mayor Bradley made his three City appointments. Bradley selected Councilman Richard Alatorre (with Derrick Boston, Esq. as his alternate), Councilman Marvin Braude (Andrea Van de Kamp, alternate), and Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas (Jane Ellison, alternate). The Mayor himself serves as the fourth L.A. appointee. 

Meanwhile, selection of the MTA executive director was imminent at press time. LACTC Executive Director Neil Peterson and SCRTD General Manager Alan Pegg were among the six finalists. The other finalists reportedly included Long Beach City Manager James Hankla, Federal Transit Authority director Brian Clymer, New York State Transportation Commissioner Franklin White, and Judith Pierce, who runs Philadelphia’s subway system.

CMP Update

The new MTA is proceeding in its work on a 1993 Congestion Management Program (CMP) update. This spring, the MTA expects to complete its countywide congestion study that will lead to the development of “deficiency plans” to address cases when Level of Service (LOS) standards cannot be maintained on the CMP highway system. 

Meanwhile, local governments should be aware that the first deadline for CMP implementation arrives on April 1st. Local jurisdictions must adopt and implement a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) ordinance and the CMP land use analysis program by that date.

Alameda Plan OK’d 

The Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority on January 14th approved its plan for an 18-mile truck and train throughway. The $1.3 billion project, which will include a depressed line to minimize noise and environmental concerns, is expected to begin construction in 1995. The Authority includes officials from the cities along the route, including Long Beach, Los Angeles, Vernon, South Gate, Compton, and Huntington Park. 

Assessment Districts Upheld 

In a decision that could significantly affect municipal finance statewide, the California Supreme Court has upheld the validity of a benefit assessment district (BAD) formed to pay for maintenance of five parks in the city of Orland. The court ruled in December that the State’s Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 gives local agencies the authority to form BADs for maintenance purposes.

Taxpayer advocates had argued that the use of BADs circumvented Prop. 13 and that the assessments were actually special taxes that should require a two-thirds vote. The Court held that this act could be used to uphold assessments for the maintenance of past improvements. 

Fox Expansion Update 

On January 11th, an L.A. Planning Commission hearing examiner held a public hearing on the proposal by Twentieth Century Fox to amend the city’s general plan and its own specific plan to permit the expansion of its facilities in West Los Angeles. 


Fifth District Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky is now proposing that the expansion of the studio be completed in three phases. Phasing would allow the city and neighbors of the project to monitor the studio’s compliance with the project’s conditions and mitigation program. 

L.A. Mayor’s Race: 52!

The January 25th filing deadline for city elections saw the number of candidates balloon to 52. The new long-shot candidates range from City Hall gadfly Leonard Shapiro to homeless activist Ted Hayes and “singing/dancing candidate” Eileen Anderson. 

Former Deputy Mayor Linda Griego became the race’s latest major entrant during January. Look for Griego (and five of the other top candidates) at The Planning Report’s Luncheon Seminar Series during February and March. 

L.A. Council Races Heat Up 

The odd-numbered L.A. City Council seats are also up this year, with open seats in Emani Bernardi’s and Michael Woo’s old districts and significant challenges to incumbents Joy Picus, Rita Walters, and Joan Milke Flores. The results of these races could significantly affect the city’s planning and land-use policies. 

The Seventh District vacated by Bernardi has drawn a large field including Howard Berman aide Rose Castaneda, Anne Finn (widow of former Councilman Howard Finn), 1989 challenger Lyle Hall, mayoral aide Richard Alarcon, Bernardi aide Raymond Magana, and community activists Irene Tovar and LeRoy Chase. 

In Michael Woo’s old Thirteenth District, the race has drawn an equally crowded field that includes former Mike Roos and Barbara Boxer aide Tom Riley, former School Board member Jackie Goldberg, AIDS activist Michael Weinstein, and John Ferraro aide Tom LaBonge. 

In the Third District, Councilwoman Joy Picus faces a challenge from former aide Laura Chick, homeowner activist Robert Gross, and police officer Dennis Zine. 

The Ninth District is a rerun of the 1991 race, with Council aide Bob Gay again challenging Rita Walters. Businessman Donald Lumpkin is the other challenger in the race. 

In the Fifteenth District, Joan Milke Flores faces a strong challenge from School Board member Warren Furutani and Janice Hahn, sister of City Attorney James Hahn.


© 2025 The Planning Report | David Abel, Publisher, ABL, Inc.