February 2010

March 1, 2010

Bay Area's Heminger Urges Transportation Paradigm Shift

Executive Director of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission Steve Heminger stresses innovation for the reauthorization of the federal surface transportation bill-and an end to the TEA era.

March 1, 2010

Villaraigosa, Boxer Deliver Testimony to U.S. DOT Outreach Event in L.A.

The mayor and the senator make the case for their respective priorities with federal reauthorization of the transportation bill on the docket for 2010.

March 1, 2010

Fran Pavley Vows to Fight California Anti-AB 32 Ballot Measure

State Senator Pavley assesses the threat of a possible statewide ballot initiative that would roll back AB 32 implementation until the state's unemployment rate dips to 5.5 percent.

March 1, 2010

Glendale Mayor Quintero: Tax Credits, Redevelopment Areas Critical to Economic Stability

Speaking to the LAEDC Economic Forecast, Glendale Mayor Frank Quintero defends redevelopment funds and advocates business friendly regulations for local jurisdictions.

March 1, 2010

Bud Ovrom Now Leads L.A. Building and Safety; Advocates ‘12-to-2' Plan

The new general manager of the city of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety lays out the priorities for his new position, as mandated by the mayor and the current economic woes of the city.

March 1, 2010

Century Plaza Hotel To Be Preserved; Developer, LA Conservancy Agree

Linda Dishman and Michael Rosenfeld explain how the historic deal got done and what it means for Century City.


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