March 2007

March 19, 2007

California Transportation Commission Allocates $4.5 Billion in Discretionary Prop 1B Bond Funds

John Barna sheds light on how the CTC decided to disburse Prop 1B funds--and how it originally left the 405 off its list.

March 19, 2007

Beverly Hills Leaders Endorse ‘Subway to the Sea;' Recommend Alignment & Station Locations

Led by former Mayor Allen Alexander, Beverly Hills sprints to the forefront of advocacy for an extension of the Wilshire subway.

March 19, 2007

The Guard Has Changed at MWD: Environmentalist Tim Brick Is Chair

Pasadena's Tim Brick, veteran of the MWD board, brings a clean, green ethic to the leadership of Southern California's massive water agency.

March 19, 2007

Governor's Office Begins Studying Ways to Implement AB 32 & Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

AB 32 does not heal the environment simply by fiat. It requires well crafted policies, and Dan Dunmoyer is Gov. Schwarzenegger's point man in this massive effort.

March 19, 2007

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters Offers D.C.'s Plan to Address Goods Movement Congestion

The Bush administration expresses concern for the demands of goods movement and offers suggestions for how the region can address them.

March 19, 2007

Metro Leads Five-County Effort to Facilitate Regional Goods Movement

Metro is well known for moving people and maintaining streets, but it is also playing a major role in addressing the region's goods-movement challenges.

March 19, 2007

Habitat for Humanity Scours L.A. Region to Find Properties & Build Affordable Housing

CEO Erin Rank describes Habitat for Humanity's efforts to tailor its approach affordable housing to L.A.'s unique market.

March 19, 2007

L.A. County Supervisors Empower County CAO to Become More Like a CEO; Janssen Stays On

The consummate public administrator, David Janssen has assumed new powers under a plan to streamline L.A. County government.

March 19, 2007

New Assemblymember Feuer Provides Insight into Nexus of Land Use Planning & Transportation

Mike Feuer has gone from West L.A. to Sacramento and brought a keen interest in planning for L.A.'s and the state's future.

March 19, 2007

Cabi Developers' Rich Mayo Offers an Optimistic Assessment of L.A.'s Real Estate Market

L.A. real estate insider Rich Mayo explains some trends and dispels some myths surrounding the current real estate market.



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