Sewer Hook-Up .... AQMD! .. CRA Cap! .. Mayoral Elections?! .... Slow Growth! .... Earthquakes! The Planning Report's Roundtable Discussion: Issues for the New Year 30 January 1989
News from the Courts: Building Industry Defeats Special School Fees 30 January 1989
Insider Planning 30 January 1989
Public Real Estate: The County As Developer 30 January 1989
Predictions! Predictions! 1989! 1989! 30 January 1989
The Housing Problem: A Tale of Two Cities. The Planning Report’s Conversation with Gary Squier, Housing Coordinator for the Mayor’s Office 30 December 1988
Update: Permanent Sewer Hook-Up Ordinance 30 December 1988
Insider Planning: Sewer Hook-ups, Blue Ribbon Committee, and more! 30 December 1988
Community Plan Revisions, or, “How To Do It Right” 30 December 1988
"Vigilante Planning" 30 December 1988
A Critic’s View: L.A. 2000 (1988) 30 December 1988
Land Use News in Review: Slow Growth in Highland Park, Downtown, Brentwood-Style, and more! 30 November 1988
Development Fee Update: Blank Checks and Open-Ended Fee Conditions 30 November 1988
Raising the CRA Cap: Pros and Cons 30 November 1988
Business Responds: Guidelines for Managed Growth 30 November 1988
Two Years at The Top: The Planning Report's Conversation with Kenneth Topping, Director for the City of Los Angeles' Planning Department 30 November 1988
12 Years at the Planning Commission: A Retrospective by Daniel Garcia (1988) 30 November 1988
Interview with: Councilman Hal Bernson 30 September 1988
A Letter to the Subscriber 30 September 1988