Prior to the approval of the tardy 2008 state budget, California Redevelopment Association Executive Director John Shirey discussed the budget deficit's substantial impact on redevelopment funds.
Arne Jungjohann of the Heinrich Boll Foundation shares valuable insight and experience into the process of launching successful market incentives for the fight against climate change.
As Climate Change has made Americans more environmentally aware than ever, foundations such as Environment Now must find ways to harness the momentum of the moment to achieve measurable results.
Michael George of Golden State Water Company makes an impassioned plea for leadership from Sacramento as the state's deepening water supply crisis gets lost in another budget battle.
As Steven Bingler of Concordia attests, the silver lining of the Hurricane Katrina disaster has been a renewed engagement by citizens in the planning and recovery process.
Metro Chief Planning Officer Carol Inge explains the planning assumptions that contributed to the draft of Metro\'s 2008 Long-Range Plan, currently available for public review.