Despite the following op-ed by Gray Davis, Pete Wilson, George Deukmejian, and Jerry Brown, California's political leaders failed agree on an infrastructure bond for the June ballot.
FOLAR co-founder Lewis MacAdams hopes the master plan for the L.A. River will result in clean water, new parks, and development that respects and enhances L.A.'s neglected waterway.
Steve Davies and Dr. Neal Kaufman contend that farmers' markets are far from quaint trappings of gentrification -- their health and social benefits should be available to all communities.
Voters in Moorpark have made clear what kind of growth they don't want. Now it's time for Ventura County cities to encourage smart development, says SOAR Executive Director Karen Schmidt.
LAEDC Chief Economist Jack Kyser discusses the results of a recent study suggesting that the L.A. region should not be so quick to embrace conversion of industrial land.
State Parks Commission Chair Bobby Shriver laments that the commission does not have the authority to stop a tollway that would cut through San Onofre State Park.