
May 27, 2019

UCLA's Ananya Roy on Housing Inequality & Market-Driven Displacement

TPR is proud to present the following interview with Dr. Ananya Roy, professor of urban planning and founding director of the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy.

May 27, 2019

San Diego Mayoral Candidate Barbara Bry on Addressing Affordability Without Devaluing Community Planning

San Diego Councilmember Barbara Bry discusses the ongoing housing crisis and her vision for dense, neighborhood-driven transit-oriented communities in San Diego.

May 20, 2019

 Sen. Wiener's SB 50 Prompts Filing of Constitutional Amendment

TPR presents the text of the Workforce Housing and Neighborhood Protection Act, a recently filed amendment to the California state constitution to address the roles that both state and local governments have in incenting the production of affordable housing.

May 20, 2019

Wall Street in My Backyard: Anti-Eviction Mapping Project

The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project illustrates the influence and interest of Wall Street corporate landlords in California's housing market.

May 15, 2019

An Open Letter to Scott Wiener: SB 50 Empowers Wall Street to Commoditize Housing By Right!

An open letter to Senator Wiener by Hydee Feldstein, of the Land Use Committee of the P.I.C.O. Neighborhood Council, identifies alarming, pocket-lining loopholes that could permanently impact California communities.

May 15, 2019

Gerhard Mayer: U.S. Urban Planning Needs Complete Paradigm Shift

Acclaimed architect Gerhard Mayer discusses how the suburban model of American housing came to be, outlining how cities in Europe and Asia have embraced design-level thinking to develop livable, dense urban communities.

May 14, 2019

OPR Director Kate Gordon on Managing California’s Utilities, Wildfires, Housing & Transportation Planning

Gov. Newsom's Director of the Office of Planning & Research, Kate Gordon, presents her office’s extensive responsibilities and initiatives addressing resilience and sustainability.

May 9, 2019

Mayor Eric Garcetti on LA's Green New Deal

In April, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti released LA’s Green New Deal, an update that accelerates many of the targets laid out in the city’s 2015 Sustainable City pLAn represents a concerted effort to equitably lead the region to a sustainable, decarbonized future.

May 9, 2019

Richard Florida: 'Build More Housing' Is No Match for Inequality

Richard Florida responds to findings by UCLA professor Michael Storper suggesting that untargeted upzoning can exacerbate high housing costs, inequality, and displacement.

May 9, 2019

Redondo Beach Mayor Bill Brand: Wiener's SB 50 is a Win for the Haves, Leaves Out the Have-Nots

Redondo Beach Mayor Bill Brand discusses what’s at stake for local control when the State Capitol—lobbied heavily by both real estate and Silicon Valley tech interests—pushes a one-size-fits-all solution to California's housing affordability problems.



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