Yuval Bar-Zemer, co-founder and managing partner of Linear City, the developer of the 7+Bridge Lofts in the Arts District of Downtown Los Angeles, discusses the lawsuit against the Arts District Business Improvement District, which was recently decided in favor of the plaintiffs.
Leonard Aube, Executive Director of the Annenberg Foundation, and Cindy Miscikowski, President of the Board of Harbor Commissioners, discuss the development of the AltaSea marine research center at the Port of Los Angeles.
Doug Failing, Executive Director of LA Metro's Highway Programs, proudly shares the agency's $700 million test of the value of public-private partnerships to finance and accelerate planned transportation upgrades.
TPR's fifth exclusive interview of a new arrival to Los Angeles, an especially well-informed political and humanistic observer of local government, TJ Plunkitt, a direct descendant of the infamous George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall.
TPR asks Long Beach Mayor, ISO Chair, and former SCE president Bob Foster what impact the closure of the San Onofre nuclear power plant will have on energy supply in the Southland.
LA County Supervisor and Metro board member Zev Yaroslavsky considers Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's transportation legacy and the future of transit development in Los Angeles.
Felicia Marcus, Chair of the State Water Resources Control Board, spoke at a Los Angeles River conference highlighting the perspectives of water leaders from California and the Netherlands.