In tribute to the late Paul Matt, co-founder of MATT Construction, TPR presents an excerpt of memories shared at his memorial at the Skirball Cultural Center.
As the County of Los Angeles moves forward on ramping up its water resiliency and community choice energy programs, TPR checks in with Supervisor Sheila Kuehl and Chief Sustainability Officer Gary Gero.
As the Mayor of Los Angeles' Innovation Operation team recently wrapped up their two year service to reforming and improving government management of city assets, TPR sat down with the leaders to assess their progress.
University of British Columbia's Chair of Urban Design is taking on cities for addressing how they tax land, fund affordable and middle-income housing, and invest in vibrant, sustainable communities.
Santa Monica Mayor Ted Winterer and Mayor pro Tem Gleam Davis explain how the new Downtown Community Plan balances new growth, housing affordability, and the feel of the small city.
After five years running the California High Speed Rail Authority, Morales has managed to oversee the beginning construction of the rail line in the Central Valley. Despite constant efforts from the Legislature and lawsuits, he has kept the project on track to soon provide Californians with more opportunities.
A veteran of Southern California planning, Bruckner shared some of the lessons learned over his 40 year career that included working on the growth of transit-oriented development, historic preservation, and the state-of-the-art general plan for unincorporated LA County.
Miguel Figueroa explains how libraries are synthesizing lessons from other industries to build next-generation, innovative public spaces for our cities.