
October 4, 2010

Will The Push to Create Green Manufacturing Jobs Shape the Development of L.A.'s Central City East?

Estela Lopez of the Central City East Association describes how the dual needs of high density mixed use and light industrial space are shaping the neighborhoods east of Downtown L.A.

October 4, 2010

AIA|LA President Paul Danna Leads Region's Architects

The designer of the new LAPD Headquarters in Downtown L.A., Danna discusses that state of the architecture profession in 2010.

October 4, 2010

California Green Building Standards Take Effect Jan 1, 2011

Cities and counties have some flexibility in meeting the requirements of the new statewide code, but the new regulations represent landmark policy change for a state driving the green building agenda.

October 4, 2010

Christine Essel Assumes Leadership of CRA/LA

A member of the CRA/LA board in the 90s, Christine Essel returns to a restructuring agency, with layoffs and expiring redevelopment zones looming as significant challenges.

August 31, 2010

Richard Katz Details SB 375 Targets, 30/10 Political Process

California' s delayed water bond and high-speed rail are also included of policy issues under the purview of Richard Katz that made news this month.

August 31, 2010

Livability Programs Need Support in Transportation Reauthorization

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) continues his policy agenda to rebuild and renew America while Congress continues to delay the reauthorization of the Surface Transportation Act.

August 31, 2010

Huntington Beach Implements Energy Efficiency Big Time!

An exclusive interview with Huntington Beach Energy project Manager Aaron Klemm, who recently helped the city gain recognition as an NRDC "2010 Smarter City."

August 31, 2010

Distinguished Panel Advises New L.A. City Planning Director Michael LoGrande

The concluding remarks from "The Future of the Los Angeles City Planning Department (and the City of Los Angeles)", consisting of recommended "Dos and Don'ts" for the new planning director.

August 31, 2010

SGVCOG Promotes Enlightened Regional Agenda

SGVCOG Executive Director Nick Conway details the COG's dynamic partnerships in transportation, homeless services, affordable housing, and renewable energy.

August 31, 2010

Which Way for The Future of Planning in L.A.?

Must read excerpts from the "The Future of the Los Angeles City Planning Department," organized by Michael Woo and sponsored by the College of Environmental Design at Cal Poly Pomona.



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