Acknowledging increasingly flexible and remote work options, Vocon's Megan Spinos elaborates on the amenities law offices are looking for as workers return to the office with a renewed appreciation for social interaction and opportunities for impromptu collaboration afforded by a traditional office space.
Underscoring the ample public and private resources available, Bill Allen comments on the region's competitive advantages and capacity for cross-sector collaboration to maximize benefits and drive a robust, sustainable, and equitable recovery.
TPR excerpts Reed Schuler, the Senior Advisor to John Kerry, in conversation at the August 27 LA World Affairs Council and Town Hall on the status of US climate commitments both domestically and internationally.
As Democrats in Congress work to fashion and negotiate a $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill this month, TPR asked Representative Mike Levin (CA-49) to elaborate on the significance of the pending federal spending frameworks.
TPR is pleased to present an excerpt of the remarks provided at the press event, as well as remarks by South Coast AQMD and California Air Resources (CARB) Board Member Gideon Kracov.
TPR interviewed District 11 Councilmember Mike Bonin for a much needed & nuanced discussion of the intersecting challenges presently driving housing displacement, gentrification, and homelessness in metro Los Angeles.
Eighteen months into the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, TPR interviewed LADOT General Manager Seleta Reynolds to update readers on the challenges and opportunities facing LA City's transportation agenda.
With years of experience in transit-oriented planning and development, Jenna Hornstock elaborates on SCAG's toolbox for incentivizing housing production including new state funding for "housing-supportive infrastructure" planning.
From a virtual roundtable on infrastructure equity in LA County, TPR excerpts LA Metro's new CEO Stephanie Wiggins on opportunities for improving essential service for LA's essential workforce.