
April 25, 2005

Congressman Earl Blumenauer On The Sum and Substance of Federal Transportation Funding

The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee member tells us what California can expect from the latest transportation bill, and why.

April 25, 2005

Dan Garcia: An Experienced Civic Leader's Critique of LA Mayor's race.

A long-time civic leader in Los Angeles gives his appraisal of city government

April 25, 2005

Zev Yaroslavsky On MTA's Challenge:Transportation Planning Without Dollars

Los Angeles County Supervisor talks about keeping transportation projects moving.

March 30, 2005

Region Fares Well Against Other Metropolitan Areas in Latest SCAG State of the Region Report

Report finds that population, jobs and building permits are up, while crime is down.

March 30, 2005

Assemblyman Joe Canciamilla Looks to Partnerships Across Sectors - and the Aisle - to Solve Problems

Assembly centrist believes private capital may be the answer to keeping California moving.

March 30, 2005

LADOT's Allyn Rifkin is Not Counting on a Silver-Bullet Fix to LA's Traffic Woes

Transportation Bureau Chief comments on the department's mission, traffic congestion, and the future of transportation in LA.

March 30, 2005

State Sen. Lowenthal Presses Balanced Environment & Economic Agenda

Stakeholder participation to develop innovative solutions for infrastructure issues is key for Senator Lowenthal.

March 30, 2005

Business, Transportation and Housing Secretary Drives Gov.'s Transport Agenda

Secretary Sunne Wright McPeak brings us up to date on the governor's Go California program.

March 30, 2005

Innovative City Planner Oversees Ventura's Urban Development

Manager of Urban Development Ann Daigle is relying on new codes to shape Ventura's future.

March 30, 2005

San Diego Councilman Madaffer Is Using Redevelopment To Transform Blighted Neighborhoods

Revitalization is underway in neighborhoods as San Diego emerges from political controversy.



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