
March 11, 2021

Bruce Katz: The American Rescue Plan & Preparing Cities for an Equitable Recovery

Bruce Katz offers insights on how cities across the country are preparing for this unprecedented federal investment and strategizing to ensure an equitable and resilient recovery.

March 11, 2021

Feds to the Rescue, But The Peril Remains: Preventing the Next Fiscal Apocalypse

State and local governments across the country are breathing a sigh of relief with the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act, which provides $350 billion in aid to states and localities. Former Santa Monica City Manager, Rick Cole, on the implications of the fiscal reset on city budget, policy, and service priorities going forward. Cole asserts that the relief provides California with a unique opportunity to realign local revenues and rebalance the state-local fiscal relationship.

February 26, 2021

Cities Have Leading Role in Achieving A Carbon-Free Future—David Miller, Fmr. Toronto Mayor & C40 Chair

David Miller, the former mayor of Toronto and C40’s Chairman—and now Director of International Diplomacy for C40 Cities—showcases how cities, even in the absence of national leadership, are equipped to take on climate change and have enacted policies and practices to move the needle on global emissions.

February 26, 2021

We're Solving the Wrong Crisis: Finding & Fixing the Real Housing Crisis in California 

Embarcadero Institute president and co-founder, Gab Layton reminds readers that when incentives are created for market-rate housing, Big Tech and real estate interest groups benefit at the expense of addressing the 'real' crisis: California has far too little affordable housing for the minimum wage-earners who live in metro areas.

February 18, 2021

Exporting California's Housing Challenges? Michael Storper & Patrick Condon Correct the Record on Out-Migration

In light of two recent columns published by the New York Times dragging California as the poster child for nearly every governance malady imaginable, but particularly housing, TPR invited economic geographer, Michael Storper, and Patrick Condon to respond to the NYT commentary and opine on what California's population demographics really reveal about housing, density, economic development, jobs, and affordability.

February 18, 2021

Patrick Condon: Density, Affordability, & The 'Hungry Dogs' of Land Price Speculation

Patrick Condon explicitly articulates how increasing density without affordability only further inflates urban land values to the benefit of speculators, resulting in nearly all of the value of individual labor and creative enterprise of entrepreneurs in regional economies to be absorbed as land wealth.

February 4, 2021

Heidi Duckler: Los Angeles Through the Eyes of a Physical Space Artist

PR caught up with Heidi Duckler for an artist’s perspective on movement in the built environment, urban planning as modern dance, and COVID-19's impacts on performance art in Los Angeles.

February 4, 2021

UC Irvine's Michael Méndez on an Environmental Justice Agenda for 2021

TPR interviewed UC Irvine Professor—and recent appointee to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board—Michael Méndez about what lessons Los Angeles and California can provide to policymakers in Washington D.C on climate action and environmental justice.

February 4, 2021

CA Assembly Transportation Committee Chair Laura Friedman on Climate Leadership in Transportation

New California Assembly Transportation Committee Chair, Laura Friedman, who shares with TPR her policy priorities for reducing emissions, eliminating traffic fatalities, and improving the connectivity of urban regional light rail in Southern California.

January 20, 2021

Studio-MLA Founder & New LADWP Commissioner Mia Lehrer on Environmental Design, Systems Planning and Resiliency

Mia Lehrer reflects on her firm's mission of advocacy by design as a process for making places that are environmentally significant and culturally meaningful to people and communities



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