
April 30, 2004

Whither Governor Davis' Cabinet Officials? Nichols Joins UCLA's Center For The Environment

Former Calfiornia Resources Secretary Mary Nichols opines on her legacy and the environmental challenges facing the Schwarzenegger administration.

April 30, 2004

SCAQMD Struggles To Bring the Region Into Compliance (Conformity) With Federal Mandates

Dr. Elaine Chang discusses the struggle to keep the greater L.A. metropolitan area in compliance with federal air quality standards.

April 30, 2004

Another Base Closure in Metro Los Angeles In 2005? BRAC Targets The Los Angeles Air Force Base

With the LA Air Force Base facing closure, the fight is on to keep the valuable Space and Missile Systems Center in the South Bay. Joe Aro explains.

April 30, 2004

Rail-Volution September Conference To Showcase Southern California's Livable Communities

Los Angeles prepares to put on display its livable communities. Metro's CEO Roger Snoble articulates the mission and significance of Rail-volution, to be held in Los Angeles in September 2004.

April 30, 2004

Port Of Long Beach's John Hancock On Balancing Economy & Environment

The President of the Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners discusses the challenge of maintaining one of the world's busiest Ports in one of the world's fastest growing regions.

April 30, 2004

Former State Finance Director On State Budgets Past, Present & Future

Former state senator and finance director Steve Peace discusses the state's current fiscal challenges, the prospects for comprehensive structural reform, and California Today.

April 30, 2004

Mayoral Candidate Hertzberg Unveils A Vision for City of L.A.

Los Angeles mayoral candidate Bob Hertzberg lays out his vision for a new and revitalized L.A.

April 30, 2004

Century Housing Now Provides "More Than Shelter" Financing

Century Housing's CEO talks about the challenges of affordable housing development and the promise and potential of joint-use housing projects.

April 30, 2004

San Pedro Master Planning Underway-Bridge To Breakwater

A master planning effort is afoot to redevelop the San Pedro waterfront into a local destination. Project Manager Yehudi Gaffen describes the plan and its challenges.

March 31, 2004

Councilman Weiss Opines On Homeland Security And L.A.'s Cable Franchise Renewal Process

Jack Weiss, Los Angeles City Councilmember, addresses the state of homeland security preparedness in the Los Angeles area as well as the ongoing process to renew cable television franchises in L.A.



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