
September 8, 2015

Yaroslavsky: 1984 Olympics Hold Lessons for LA's 2024 Bid

As Los Angeles vied this summer to be named the American candidate for the 2024 Olympics—with success—a research paper authored by Zev Yaroslavsky and others reminded the city of take-aways from the 1984 Games.

September 8, 2015

Lipkis: Wiser Drought Policies & Collaboration Can Save Our Trees

Andy Lipkis argues for a collaborative and multi-faceted response to California's drought, with an emphasis on water capture, filtration, and aquifer recharge.

August 28, 2015

Baylis: State's Fish & Game Commission and LA City/County Respond Wisely to Drought

Jack Baylis lauds the City of LA's goal of reducing imported water to 50 percent and lays out ways to get there

August 28, 2015

PonTell: Ontario Airport Agreement Bodes Well for Inland Empire Economic Growth

Steve PonTell shares the importance of the Ontario Airport decision, clarifying the finer points of the compromise and expressing his excitement at opportunities it has created for the sub-region.

August 27, 2015

Katrina + 10: It's Engaged Citizens Who Saved New Orleans

Marking the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Steven Bingler and Martin Pedersen comment on citizen mobilization after the disaster in New Orleans.

August 18, 2015

Romero and MacAdams: Who Will Plan & Fund LA River Revitalization?

Two LA River experts comment on the revitalization process now that the Army Corps of Engineer’s Alternative 20 has cleared a critical federal hurdle.

August 18, 2015

OPR’s Alex & ULI’s Goldberg Evaluate Strategic Growth Council AHSC Cap-and-Trade Grants

Ken Alex and Gail Goldberg describe the goals driving the grant program and lessons learned from AHSC’s first round of awards.

August 18, 2015

Pasadena General Plan Update Focuses Future Growth into Downtown & Around Mobility

Vince Bertoni considers why Pasadena has succeeded at pursuing development and long-range planning in a complementary fashion, while other municipalities have struggled.

August 12, 2015

NACWA's New President Adel Hagekhalil Champions ‘One Water'

Hagekhalil provides an update on City of LA wastewater and storm water projects, calling for the breakdown of bureaucratic silos in managing the resource.

August 12, 2015

TPR Readers: Divergent Views on Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Decision

TPR presents five diverse perspectives on the California Supreme Court ruling that upheld a San Jose inclusionary housing ordinance.



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