
December 4, 2012

State Sen. Alex Padilla Not Only Chairs but Leads His Energy & Utilities Committee

State Senator Alex Padilla, representative of the San Fernando Valley’s 20th district and chairman of the Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee, talks MIR through the committee’s past and future efforts towards a greener energy system.

December 4, 2012

California Drops The Hammer On Inaugural Carbon Allowance Auction

In the following edited transcript, CARB chairwoman Mary Nichols reports the results of California’s first-ever carbon allowance auction, taking questions from the Sacramento Bee, the San Jose Mercury News, the San Francisco Chronicle, and others.

December 4, 2012

LA Council President Asks AIA-LA Members if Merging Planning with Building & Safety Is a Good Idea

In the following partial transcript from a November 15 breakfast forum held by the American Institute of Architects, LA City Council President Herb Wesson leads an assessment of the pros/cons of merging the Department of Planning with Building and Safety in response to budgetary constraints.

December 4, 2012

LISC Celebrates 25th Anniversary, Anita Landecker Gives Keynote

TPR presents the key-note speech given by former Western Operations Director Anita Landecker on the occasion of LA Local Initiatives Support Corporation's 25th anniversary.

December 4, 2012

WWLA? Is Superstorm Sandy A Wakeup Call for California’s Coast?

In a recent installment of Which Way LA?, Warren Olney and guests Chad Nelsen, Environmental Director for the Surfrider Foundation, Brian Brennan, Venutra City Councilman and Costal Commissioner, and David Kiff, City Manager of Newport, discuss what’s being done to fortify California’s coast against rising ocean levels.

December 4, 2012

Israel’s TaKaDu Offers ‘State of the Art’ Water Monitoring Software for Water Utilities

Amir Peleg, founder and CEO of TaKaDu, and Jacob Lipa, president of Psomas Engineering in Los Angeles, discuss TaKaDu’s data-collecting software for water utilities, and how California stacks up in the global push for better water infrastructure.

December 4, 2012

E2 Assesses 2012 Post Election Impacts on National Energy/Environmental Policies

In Environmental Entrepreneurs’ “E2 Live Post-Election Panel Telesalon,” NRDC's Bob Deans moderates as panelists William Galston of the Brooking Institute, Chris Frates of the National Journal, and Steven Mufson of the Washington Post consider what 2012 election results mean for energy and environmental policy.

December 4, 2012

Cleantech LA/PwC Panel Flags Battery & Grid Challenges

At the Cleantech Revolution conference, Alex Fay, Business Development Manager at Quallion, expounds upon the challenges of battery technology and the difficulties they pose towards the development of electric cars

December 4, 2012

Port of Long Beach’s Al Moro Updates Infrastructure Challenges and Initiatives

Al Moro, Chief Harbor Engineer and Assistant Managing Director of Engineering for the Port of Long Beach, details the various projects that constitute the Port’s massive infrastructure overhaul, undertaken in the face of changing shipping technology and increased competition from ports across the world.

November 1, 2012

Felicia Marcus on Balancing California’s Water Quality, Supply, and Ecology

Felicia Marcus tells The Planning Report about her recent appointment to the California State Water Resources Control Board and about the state of water use and conservation in California.



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