September 30, 1988 - From the September, 1988 issue

A Letter to the Subscriber

The Planning Report's first issue was in the fall of 1986. Then, GLM Enterprises published it. The popularity of the newsletter lead to a need to expand, leading to the transfer of publication to Abel & Associates/ABL

Dear Planning Report Subscriber:

In the fall of 1986, GLM ENTERPRISES published the first issue of the Planning Report. The reasons for this were two-fold; to better inform existing clients of pending legislation which could affect their developments and to illustrate to potential clients our capabilities to tract and evaluate such information.

Less than a year from inception, the Planning Report has fallen victim to its own success. The workload of GLM Enterprises on behalf of old and new clients acting upon the very information which was reported in the Planning Report, has so dramatically increased that it is too difficult to regularly research and report on topics of importance. Ironically as our available time decreases, the need to know increases.

To resolve these conflicting realities, GLM Enterprises has elected to adjust the method rather than abandon the effort to gather and share planning and zoning intelligence. Commencing with this issue, the Planning Report will become a collaborative effort, involving the talents of an expanded "Editorial Board". Publication of the newsletter has been transferred to the offices of Abel & Associates/ABL Inc., which has become the principal publisher. GLM Enterprises will continue to contribute to the newsletter by monitoring, evaluating and reporting information relating to pending legislation, procedures and other items of interest.

In the upcoming months you may anticipate other additions and improvements to the Planning Report both from a topical and authorship standpoint. The addition of contributing editors, such as Dan Garcia, Richard Weiss, and Leon Whiteson, are but an example of the newsletter's value-added potential. I am personally excited that an endeavor which I began and believe in, has the chance to expand and improve. I also understand that each subscriber, like yourself, made a personal decision to support the Planning Report - in a given format at a given cost.


Should you now decide to terminate your subscription, GLM Enterprises will gladly refund the unused portion of your subscription. If you elect to continue support, you will automatically receive the next two issues at no additional cost, in addition to receiving a special renewal discount. I am confident the combination of talents which have joined together to assume publication of the new Planning Report will prove to be of great value  to you as subscribers.

Thank you for your past support, present patience and future commitment if such is the course you choose.

Sincerely, Gary L. Morris

The Planning Report


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