Metro Investment Report

March 20, 2006

California's Former Governors Demand that Voters Be Allowed to Vote On An Infrastructure Bond

Despite the following op-ed by Gray Davis, Pete Wilson, George Deukmejian, and Jerry Brown, California's political leaders failed agree on an infrastructure bond for the June ballot.

March 20, 2006

L.A. City Council Keeps Options Open In Negotiations for New Sunshine Canyon Contract

L.A. Councilmember Greig Smith leads the city's efforts to develop alternatives to landfills and negotiate flexible contract with BFI.

March 20, 2006

Gastelum Evaluates Importance of Investing in Fragile Bay-Delta Levee System

Former MWD head Ron Gastelum evaluates the state's water needs in light of continuing bond negotiations.

March 20, 2006

MWD's New GM Kightlinger Assumes Responsibility for Region's Water Supply

Jeff Kightlinger takes the helm of MW as the agency remains focused on its top priorities: levee maintenance, allocation water from the Colorado River, and ensuring a steady supply.

March 20, 2006

No Infrastructure Bond a ‘Capitol Crime;' ‘3-15 Commission' Needed to Investigate

LAEDC board member David Grannis reflects on the consequences of and reasons for the collapse of bond negotiations in Sacramento on March 15.

March 7, 2006

MIR Extra: California's Former Governors on Infrastructure: Let Voters Decide in June

With three days to go before the March 10 June ballot deadline, California's four living former governors explain the urgency of the state's infrastructure needs.

February 24, 2006

Portland's Congressman Blumenauer Pledges to Support California's Transportation Initiatives

In a recent speech at LA's Mobility 21 meeting, Rep. Blumenauer presented a vision for 21st century federal transportation appropriations and explained why California's cities should benefit.

February 16, 2006

Deaton Tracks Progress of Prop O Programs From New Vantage Point – LADWP's GM

Former CLA and current DWP head Ron Deaton reflects on the implementation of L.A.'s $500 million Prop O.

February 16, 2006

Demand for Diverse Energy Sources Fuels BHP Billiton's Bid to Locate LNG Terminal off Oxnard

BHP Billiton project manager Rick Abel discusses how LNG ocean terminals -- such as his company's proposed project off Oxnard -- can help meet California's growing energy demands.

February 16, 2006

International Air Carriers Await Crucial Upgrades to Bradley Terminal, LAX Runways

Representing the 44 international carriers that serve LAX, LAXTEC head Frank Clark looks forward to the changes in store at LAX.



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