
August 23, 2017

Will There Be a Water Bond on the 2018 California Ballot?

Jerry Meral, former director of the Planning and Conservation League, joins Brian Jordan of civil engineering firm Tetra Tech to talk about the four potential water bonds California voters could face in 2018.

July 19, 2017

Garcetti & Schwarzenegger Reframe The Climate Conversation

After President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger discuss climate action at the subnational level of government.

April 27, 2017

Electric Vehicles Not Exempt From Gov. Brown’s Road Repair Funding Plan

Plug-In America's Joel Levin provides context to the California Legislature's decision to impose a new fee on zero-emission vehicle owners starting in 2020.

April 3, 2017

A Federal Point of View on California’s Infrastructure Investment Package

Rep. Blumenauer offers exclusive comments on California's landmark road and transportation funding package.

February 28, 2017

Gov. Brown Prioritizes California’s Water and Transportation Infrastructure Spending

At a recent press conference, Governor Brown said that Californians need to "belly up to the bar and start spending money" to fund resilient, climate-smart water, transportation, and energy infrastructure.

November 29, 2016

Safeguarding California: CA’s Natural Resources Secretary on Resiliency & Climate Change Plans

Secretary John Laird on the comprehensive plan to protect California's natural resources.

November 29, 2016

The Role of Water Data in California’s Conservation Efforts

In the first of a two-part TPR interview, Felicia Marcus discusses using publicly available data to support creative solutions to California’s water challenges.

November 17, 2016

Engines of Growth: Financing Cities' Infrastructure Priorities & Ambitions

TPR presents highlights from the Milken Institute's California Summit, featuring Gray Davis, Miguel Santana, Darrell Steinberg, and Ashley Swearengin.

September 20, 2016

Tom Steyer on the Future of California’s Clean Energy Economy & US Climate Policy

Clean energy champion Tom Steyer comments on the importance of the passage of CA Senate Bill 32 for cleantech investors and the low-carbon economy.

August 19, 2016

Senator Fran Pavley – TPR Exit Interview Proves that with Focus and Leadership, Government Works

As Senator Pavley finishes her 16-year term limited stint in Sacramento, TPR sits down with the author of AB 32 and SB 32 to understand where climate, energy, and natural resource legislation stands today.



© 2025 The Planning Report | David Abel, Publisher, ABL, Inc.