June 26, 2017

Randall Lewis Opines on Barriers to Increased Housing Production

TPR sat down with Randall Lewis of the Lewis Group of Companies to address Southern California’s challenges to building an adequate supply of housing. Lewis shares where he sees opportunities for potential breakthroughs on housing production.

March 28, 2017

Ballot Box Planning in California: Results From Developers & Municipalities Turning To Citizen Initiatives

At the USC Real Estate Forum, Amy Forbes, Beverly Grossman Palmer, and Steve Sugerman provided insight on how cities, developers, and the courts have handled ballot-box land-use initiatives.

April 20, 2016

Eaken on CEQA Reform: SB 743’s VMT Metric Is Right for San Francisco and California

Amanda Eaken gives her take on the significance of San Francisco’s VMT action and supports statewide adoption.

December 21, 2015

New CEQA Study Reveals Widespread Abuse of Legal Process by ‘Non-Environmentalists’

Jennifer Hernandez summarizes findings of litigation abuse and proposes reforms.

September 16, 2015

Point/Counterpoint | Jennifer Hernandez: SB 743 Risks More CEQA Abuse

Jennifer Hernandez argues that implementation of SB 743 should be delayed because the switch to VMT will leave infill builders mired in litigation.

September 16, 2015

Point/Counterpoint | Amanda Eaken: Switch to VMT Supports California Climate Goals

Amanda Eaken explains why the move to measure traffic impacts under CEQA using VMT aligns with California’s green-house gas reduction priorities.

June 2, 2015

WWLA: The Legality of Intensified Infill Development & Density in Hollywood Debated

Robert Silverstein articulates his clients’ perspective in seeking to halt Hollywood projects, while Mott Smith explains the difficulties of building infill in an environment of CEQA litigation.

March 2, 2013

Former Ventura City Manager Rick Cole Examines CEQA Reform

Former Ventura City Manager Rick Cole defends CEQA against both those who would reform it, and those defending it in its current state, suggesting misinterpretation of the act and the procedures developed in response have twisted CEQA in opposition of the very projects that share its goals of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

October 12, 2011

“What’s the Rush?”: Should Football Stadiums Have Expedited Environmental Reviews By Courts?

Warren Olney, California State Senator Alex Padilla, and David Pettit deliberate the future of CEQA reform through AB 900 and SB 292. The conversation took place before Governor Brown signed both bills into law. Still, it illustrates that uncertainties that surround such action. Have large development projects, effectively, freed themselves of environmental scrutiny?



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