City Planning

July 16, 2010

Gail Goldberg Retires: TPR Reader Quotes-Whither Planning in the City of L.A.?

TPR readers—select developers, planners, architects, community leaders and elected officials—respond to the question: Whither Planning in the City of LA after Gail Goldberg's retirement?

February 9, 2010

Pasadena's Richard Bruckner To Lead L.A. County Planning Department

Having served as director of the Planning and Development Department in Pasadena, Bruckner will scale up the city's successes as director of planning for L.A. County.

October 1, 2009

Sam Hall Kaplan Reviews Wrestling Moses: Jane Jacobs—Gone Three Years—Lives On!

Journalist Sam Hall Kaplan examines the contemporary influence of the writings and advocacy of Jane Jacobs in this TPR exclusive.

February 27, 2009

L.A.'s Newest City Planning Commissioner Sean Burton: Progressive But Pragmatic Priorities

Having just been replaced the seat vacated by Jane Usher, Sean Burton brings experience from the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission and his role as President at CityView.

August 29, 2008

Pasadena's Mayor Bogaard Assesses City's Housing Element

A proactive approach to housing is just one the reasons that Pasadena has emerged as one of L.A. County's most livable and vibrant urban communities.

January 18, 2006

New Planning Commission Brings Energy, Vision, & Understanding of Smart Growth to L.A. Planning

Jane Usher and Robin Hughes look forward to helping Mayor Villaraigosa and the Planning Department realize the vision of smart growth.

June 27, 2005

Con Howe Offers An Exiting Planner's Take On LA City Planning

According to LA Planner, an active and informed civic community is essential for effective planning.

April 30, 2004

San Pedro Master Planning Underway-Bridge To Breakwater

A master planning effort is afoot to redevelop the San Pedro waterfront into a local destination. Project Manager Yehudi Gaffen describes the plan and its challenges.

February 27, 2004

Ventura's New City Manager On The Value Of Smart Growth

Newly appointed City Manager of Ventura, Rick Cole, addresses the challenges ahead for smart growth in a traditionally anti-growth environment.

December 16, 2003

CCRL's Nick Bollman Assesses AB 857 Impact on Planning

Nick Bollman addresses the promise and potential of AB 857 on planning in California.



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