
December 4, 2012

State Sen. Alex Padilla Not Only Chairs but Leads His Energy & Utilities Committee

State Senator Alex Padilla, representative of the San Fernando Valley’s 20th district and chairman of the Energy, Utilities, and Communications Committee, talks MIR through the committee’s past and future efforts towards a greener energy system.

December 4, 2012

E2 Assesses 2012 Post Election Impacts on National Energy/Environmental Policies

In Environmental Entrepreneurs’ “E2 Live Post-Election Panel Telesalon,” NRDC's Bob Deans moderates as panelists William Galston of the Brooking Institute, Chris Frates of the National Journal, and Steven Mufson of the Washington Post consider what 2012 election results mean for energy and environmental policy.

October 1, 2012

OC CleanTech: Bob Foster, Mark Irwin Opine on Smart Grid

Excerpts from ISO Chair and Mayor of Long Beach Bob Foster's and Southern California Edison’s Mark Irwin's remarks on energy and the smart grid at the OC CleanTech Conference in September.

September 24, 2012

Cleantech Investor Tom Rand on Parallels of California and Canada's Clean Tech Markets & Government Initiatives

Tom Rand, Cleantech Practice, Lead Advisor at the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto, Canada, discusses how markets are beginning to reflect the realities of climate change and what parallels exist between cleantech investment in California and Canada. Rand notes that industries across all sectors, from mining to forestry to manufacture, will have to plan carefully to reduce carbon emissions as part of staying flexible with an economy responding to climate change.

May 20, 2021

Stapleton & Mangham: USGBC-LA’s Net Zero Accelerator

With the unveiling of 2021's NZA Cohort at the Municipal Green Building Conference & Expo this week, TPR interviews USGBC-LA Executive Director Ben Stapleton and Net-Zero Accelerator Director Colin Mangham to offer readers an inside look into LA's hub of green building innovation.

December 2, 2019

LA County’s Minh Le on Scaling the Region’s New Energy Economy

LA County's Minh Le on his countywide departmental priorities for moving forward in light of recent technological advancements in solar and energy storage.

July 29, 2019

PropTech: Blueprint Power's Robyn Beavers on Turning Buildings into Power Plants

Robyn Beavers, CEO of Blueprint Power, discusses the emerging intersection between the real estate and clean tech industries that could propel building decarbonization efforts while providing significant revenue streams to building owners.

June 13, 2019

CPUC's Transition to a Resilience Agency: Commissioner Cliff Rechtschaffen

Commissioner Cliff Rechtschaffen details how the California Public Utilities Commission is moving to play an active role in climate adaptation, resilience, and public safety.

November 13, 2018

San Jose Mayor Liccardo on the Challenges to Becoming a Sustainable Metro Area

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo on how the city is leading on climate action and the importance of solving California’s land use and CEQA challenges.

February 13, 2018

George Minter on Natural Gas’ Foundational Role in a 100% Clean Energy Economy

At VX2018, George Minter provided an energy outlook that contextualizes the debate around natural gas as a critical part of the renewable energy mix going forward.



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