Lenny Mendonca and Dr. Fernando Guerra discuss the fundamental shift transforming the nature of work and how the nation-state of California reacts, defines, and regulates this fast-changing landscape.
WUF presents a conversation on the need to prevent the economic and existential displacement of communities and workers as the city rapidly enacts policies and takes actions necessary to decarbonize LA.
Professor Manuel Pastor and analyst Vanessa Carter of USC's Program for Environmental and Regional Equity discuss how to ensure that equity is baked into—not sprinkled onto—LA's public transit system.
Councilmember Mike Bonin discusses how blanket upzoning could impact efforts to develop an equitable, high-quality public transportation network in Los Angeles.
TPR presents an except of the Gehl Institute Inclusive Healthy Places Framework report, which serves as a tool for evaluating and creating inclusive, healthy public places that support health equity.
To unpack the impacts of SB 827 on housing affordability and transit goals, TPR turned to Denny Zane of Move LA and Cynthia Strathmann of Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE).
After the defeat of Measure S and Mayor Eric Garcetti's subsequent Executive Directive 19, LA City Planning Director Vince Bertoni joins TPR and discusses the new planning framework coming to City Hall.