James Moore

November 7, 2011

SoCal’s Air Quality & Transportation: “We Need to Bring Down the Silo Walls”

Air pollution is recognized as a negative externality resulting from California's transportation infrastructure. But with limited fiscal capacity, how can the state enact the structural changes necessary for protecting the air while improving mobility? Panelists at the Air Quality and Transportation Regional Conference in Los Angeles discuss how to bring leaders to the table to solve this issue.

March 16, 2022

Transforming Cities’ Relationship with Nature; Excerpts from A City Age Event

Like the call to return the LA River to a more natural state, the idea of recreating more natural cities, called “biomimicry”, is a hot topic in contemporary planning and climate change resilience. In this event put on by City Age, what follows are excerpts by TPR of three different conversations on how cities might better coexist with nature.


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