Jerry Brown

November 14, 2017

Intentional Water Management & Long Term Funding Needed to Address Worsening Climate Challenges

Felicia Marcus, Chair of the State Water Resources Control Board, provides an update on the state's water management efforts.

October 19, 2017

Subnational Climate Action: Sec. John Kerry, Gov. Jerry Brown, & Others Call for Leadership

At a global gathering of leaders at Yale Sec. John Kerry moderated a conversation between California Governor Jerry Brown, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, President of the World Bank Dr. Jim Kim, and Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo about how they are addressing the vacuum of leadership in Washington D.C.

April 27, 2017

Electric Vehicles Not Exempt From Gov. Brown’s Road Repair Funding Plan

Plug-In America's Joel Levin provides context to the California Legislature's decision to impose a new fee on zero-emission vehicle owners starting in 2020.

April 3, 2017

A Federal Point of View on California’s Infrastructure Investment Package

Rep. Blumenauer offers exclusive comments on California's landmark road and transportation funding package.

February 28, 2017

Gov. Brown Prioritizes California’s Water and Transportation Infrastructure Spending

At a recent press conference, Governor Brown said that Californians need to "belly up to the bar and start spending money" to fund resilient, climate-smart water, transportation, and energy infrastructure.

October 29, 2015

China & US City Leaders Sign Historic Bilateral Climate Declaration in LA

TPR presents edited excerpts from a press event at the US-China Climate Leaders Summit, featuring a collection of US mayors and Governor Brown.

July 13, 2015

Gov. Brown: California Drought Only Foretaste of Climate Change Impacts

Austin Beutner and Governor Jerry Brown engage in a dialogue about the challenges of water governance in California, linking the current stresses on the system to future conditions that are expected to be far more severe.

June 9, 2015

Brown’s 2015 GHG Reduction Executive Order Sets a Stretch Goal For California

Governor Jerry Brown calls on California business leaders to respond to the climate change crisis by innovating, creating, and cooperating.

October 8, 2014

Governors Schwarzenegger & Brown Affirm CA’s Bipartisan History of Curbing GHG Emissions

Leaders at the “Global Climate Negotiations: Lessons from California” symposium discusses the state’s landmark environmental policy.

October 3, 2014

CRA Dissolution Process: A City of LA Status Report

Tim McOsker updates TPR on the LA CRA's steps to meet its legal obligations since 2012, including the creation of a long-range property management plan



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