
March 21, 2016

L.A. Prep: A Brilliant Real Estate Solution for Food Companies

Mott Smith outlines L.A. Prep’s beginnings, how it came to fruition, and plans to replicate its success.

February 13, 2015

TNCs Challenge 20th-Century City Taxi Regulation: Reinventing Urban Mobility

Bill Rouse and Gabe Klein address changes to the urban ground transportation system that unregulated competition is bringing to cities.

March 30, 2012

Chet Widom: New California State Architect Opines on Priorities

Chet Widom spoke to leading architects in the Los Angeles area at an AIA event in March to explain what he intends to accomplish in his new position as State Architect. Review boards and documentation slow down the design and construction process significantly, and Widom faces the difficult challenge of speeding the process up with limited resources in a complicated bureaucracy.

October 7, 2011

The Future of Utility-Scale Renewable Energy in California

From the CleanTech OC 2011 Annual Conference and Expo comes this conversation between Marcie Edwards, Michael Peevey, Tim Olson, Stephen Mullenix, and Guy Blanchard on renewable utilities in California. The panelists focus on whether the regulatory bodies create certainty or ambiguity in the California renewables market.


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