
February 28, 2023

Seattle DOT Director Greg Spotts on Implementing Innovation

TPR followed up with Greg Spotts—former CSO and executive officer at Streets LA—to update readers on his recent move north to serve as Director of Seattle Department of Transportation

June 17, 2021

MUSE/IQUE 2021-22 Season Explores the Streets of Los Angeles Thru Prism of Music

TPR interviews MUSE/IQUE’s Artistic Director Rachael Worby and CEO Brian Colburn, who highlight MUSE/IQUE’s upcoming place-based program “L.A. Composed,” which celebrates the streets of Los Angeles as unique intersections where people and culture come together to form place

June 17, 2019

Ford City of Tomorrow Symposium: The Crowded Curb

As part of TPR’s ongoing coverage on the reimagination of streets and curbsides, we present the following conversation on from the Ford City of Tomorrow Symposium on the crowded curb and how we share space in the age of on-demand everythin

March 18, 2019

City Bus Shelters, Public Toilets & Kiosks: JCDecaux’s Francois Nion Opines

As the public realm is redefined by dockless scooters and rideshare dropoff spaces, Francois Nion highlights the importance of low-tech infrastructure to improve the quality of life for millions of Angelenos.


© 2025 The Planning Report | David Abel, Publisher, ABL, Inc.