tax reform

September 23, 2020

New SPUR/CA Fwd Report Finds State Tax System Discourages Affordable Housing Production

Pointing to the housing disincentives built into California’s tax system by Proposition 13 and the deterioration of state funding for supportive infrastructure and services, the study finds that cities that receive a larger share of the property tax they generate contributed a larger share of the housing supply in the Bay Area over a four-year period.

August 28, 2020

The Los Angeles Coalition Insights on State Budget & Tax Proposals

The Los Angeles Coalition’s “Insight on LA” breaks down California’s budget and income tax system, as well as provides changes necessary to safeguard economic development by broadening the state’s tax base.

December 5, 2018

Will Opportunity Zones Spur Investment of Private Wealth into Underserved Communities?

To understand the impact of Opportunity Zone investment for California cities, TPR interviewed Ian Ross of Oppsites.

September 22, 2016

California Legislature’s 2016 Session Accomplishments Assessed by State Senator Hertzberg

State Sen. Robert Hertzberg joins TPR to share his views on the recently concluded two-year legislative cycle, including discussing his goals for stabilizing the state's volatile economy and water security in upcoming sessions.


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