TPR Archive

December 30, 1988

Update: Permanent Sewer Hook-Up Ordinance

Dan Garcia of Munger, Tolles & Olson critiques the Sewer Hook-Up Ordinance for imposing further barriers to development.

December 30, 1988

The Housing Problem: A Tale of Two Cities. The Planning Report’s Conversation with Gary Squier, Housing Coordinator for the Mayor’s Office

Housing Coordinator Gary Squier responds to questions on the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Committee on housing.

November 30, 1988

Two Years at The Top: The Planning Report's Conversation with Kenneth Topping, Director for the City of Los Angeles' Planning Department

Planning Director Kenneth Topping discusses the current landscape of the Planning Department.

November 30, 1988

Business Responds: Guidelines for Managed Growth

The LA Area Chamber of Commerce's "The Realities of Growth Management."

November 30, 1988

Raising the CRA Cap: Pros and Cons

The beginning of an on-going trend for TPR: should the CRA cap be raised?

November 30, 1988

Development Fee Update: Blank Checks and Open-Ended Fee Conditions

Russ Building Partnership v. City and County of San Francisco, 44 Cal.3d 839 (1988) and Government Code Sections 66000 - 66003 establish new development fees.

November 11, 1988

Land Use News in Review: Slow Growth in Highland Park, Downtown, Brentwood-Style, and more!

Reduction at the Pavilion; Slow Growth in Highland Park; Fact or Fiction?: The Mini-Mall Moratorium; New Hotel on the Block, and City is Sued; Wasn't the Supreme Court Supposed to be Conservative?; Downtown, Brentwood-Style; and Council Approves all 27 Stories

October 30, 1988

A CZAR IS BORN: The Planning Report’s Conversation with Carolyn Green, AQMD’s Deputy Executive Director

AQMD's Deputy Executive Officer Carolyn Green discusses AQMD's role in Los Angeles.

October 30, 1988

Specific Plans - A New Development Strategy?

The Urban Design Advisory Coalition provides a case study on Central City West Associates' goal of developing specific plans for a 150 acre area of mixed-use development in West Los Angeles.

October 30, 1988

Land Use News in Review: Galanter Plan, City Truck Ban, and more!

3 New Faces at Planning Commission; Governor Signs Two Clean-Air Bills & Vetoes High-Rise Sprinkler Legislation; Galanter Plan: Eliminate New Traffic; CRA Raises Statistics, Not Limit; Environmental Enforcement; Ban in the Hills?; Galanter Endorses Slow-Growther; New Transportation Chief; City Truck Ban; and Mar Vista Apt. Heights Lowered



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