Urban Parks

September 27, 2016

LA Supervisor Hilda Solis: Sustainability & Climate Adaptation Must Engage Low-Income Communities

Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis opines on the impact of environmental justice and including low-income communities at the California Adaptation Forum. She discusses her recent efforts to get funding to begin to clean up the contamination caused by the Exide battery recycling plant.

February 25, 2016

LA City Councilmember Ryu’s Top Priority: Constituent Engagement to Build Public Trust

Seven months after the election to represent CD4, TPR checked in on “outsider” candidate David Ryu’s transition into office.

March 3, 2005

Residents Want Promised Civic Park, Not Police Station for Downtown Los Angeles Site

Concerned citizens say that a new police headquarters downtown would be a detriment to revitalization and ongoing cultural initiatives.


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