November 2005

November 18, 2005

Milken Institute ‘State of the State': Can California ‘Grow' Its Way Out of Budget Woes?

State controller Steve Westly, state finance director Tom Cambpell, and other experts from across the political spectrum debate and discuss ways to solve California's seemingly perennial budget crisis

November 18, 2005

The Modern Ark: With Good, Green Design, Cities Will Ensure Survival of Human Race

Paul Hawken explains that if cities are designed properly, they hold the greatest promise for humans to reduce their

November 18, 2005

Investing in Goods Movement Infrastructure Will Help Create 1 Million Good Jobs

Economist John Husing says that a $36 billion in the region's goods movement infrastructure will more than pay for itself.

November 18, 2005

California's Share of T3 Transportation Funding Assessed for Lessons Learned

House Transportation Committee member Earl Blumenauer describes the long, complex process that resulted in the recent transportation bill.

November 18, 2005

Mobility: Villaraigosa Vows to Fight For Fair Share of State, Federal Funds

The mayor reiterates his ambitions to extend the subway and work with all stakeholders to develop both large and small solutions to the region's mobility challenges.

November 10, 2005

Coalition for Community Schools Advocates Neighborhood-Centered Schools Across the Country

Marty Blank of the Coalition for Community Schools helps neighborhoods across the country realize the dream of smaller, better, community-focused schools.

November 10, 2005

Bold, Thoughtful Design Helps Rebuild Manchester, England

Manchester councilman Richard Leese and Jason Prior of EDAW recount the civic-design partnership that helped revive an old city.

November 10, 2005

Assemblymember Frommer Championed Parks, Education; Turns to Controller's Race

Assembly leader Dario Frommer recounts his legislative accomplishments thus far and looks to the race for state controller.

November 10, 2005

Kor Group Revives Treasures of L.A.'s Architectural Past for Urban Residential Living

Kate Bartolo of upscale developer and hotelier Kor Group explains the challenges, benefits, and profits of historic preservation.

November 10, 2005

Brenda Levin Commemorates the Opening of The National Center for the Preservation of Democracy

Drawing inspiration from Democracy itself, architect Brenda Levin gives form to one of L.A.'s great cultural institutions.


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