Air Pollution

November 7, 2011

Future Ports Conference: Engaging in the Expansion of the 710 Freeway

Goods reaching the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach must reach their destinations across the US, and this creates intense trucking traffic along the I-710 corridor. Jerry Wood of the Gateway Cities Council of Governments describes how local government and community groups have engaged in the planning process for an upgrade to that transportation infrastructure.

November 7, 2011

SoCal’s Air Quality & Transportation: “We Need to Bring Down the Silo Walls”

Air pollution is recognized as a negative externality resulting from California's transportation infrastructure. But with limited fiscal capacity, how can the state enact the structural changes necessary for protecting the air while improving mobility? Panelists at the Air Quality and Transportation Regional Conference in Los Angeles discuss how to bring leaders to the table to solve this issue.

May 5, 2021

Coalition for Clean Air’s Joe Lyou on SCAQMD’s Indirect Source Rule Vote May 7th

TPR sat down with Dr. Joe Lyou, CEO of Coalition for Clean Air, who walks readers through the legal necessity of South Coast AQMD's proposed Indirect Source Rule that aims to make better neighbors of industry giants, like Amazon, and accelerate the transition to zero-emission technologies and fleet electrification.

February 1, 2012

California’s Cap and Trade Fuels a Carbon Market

James Goldstene, Executive Officer of the California Air Resources Board, and Robert Owen-Jones, Australian Government, discuss the states of the carbon markets today and how they will develop in the coming years as incentives mature and prices shift freely.

October 20, 2006

SCAQMD Releases 10-Year Plan Aimed at Further Reductions in Regional Pollution

As a Long Beach City Council member, AQMD board member Tania Reyes Uranga knows firsthand why the agency must do all it can to continue curbing the region's emissions.

December 16, 2003

Great Valley Center's Carol Whiteside Opines On Growth Strategies For The Central Valley

Carol Whiteside, President of the Great Valley Center, explains the unique challenges facing California's Central Valley as it grows at a record pace.


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