
June 26, 2012

Orange County Transportation Authority's CEO Will Kempton Discusses Investments, Partnerships

TPR interviews Will Kempton, CEO of the Orange County Transportation Authority, discussing his his experiences and priorities since leaving Caltrans and the need for forming regional partnerships between public agencies.

September 16, 2015

‘Beyond the 710’ Coalition Adamantly Opposes Tunnel Alternative

Ara Najarian, Marina Khubesrian, and Paul Moore explain why the proposed tunnel would be detrimental to communities and explicate a multi-modal solution.

July 8, 2013

LA Roast - (TJ) Plunkitt explains it all… LA's Answer for Gridlock: A Streamlined Planning & Permitting Process!

TPR's fifth exclusive interview of a new arrival to Los Angeles, an especially well-informed political and humanistic observer of local government, TJ Plunkitt, a direct descendant of the infamous George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall.

February 24, 2004

An MIR Exit Interview: Caltrans' Jeff Morales Resigning

Jeff Morales of Caltrans is the latest agency head to announce his resignation with the turnover of administrations in Sacramento.


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