Prop 13

July 24, 2014

The Demise of TIF-Funded Redevelopment in California

George Lefcoe and Charles W. Swenson take an in-depth look at the rise and fall of CRAs in California.

February 19, 2013

Denny Zane On The Necessity to Rethink How Transportation Infrastructure Is Financed

Denny Zane recasts disappointment with the failure of Measure J to pass last November as a call for more creative and collaborative thinking among transit advocates.

March 11, 2021

Feds to the Rescue, But The Peril Remains: Preventing the Next Fiscal Apocalypse

State and local governments across the country are breathing a sigh of relief with the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act, which provides $350 billion in aid to states and localities. Former Santa Monica City Manager, Rick Cole, on the implications of the fiscal reset on city budget, policy, and service priorities going forward. Cole asserts that the relief provides California with a unique opportunity to realign local revenues and rebalance the state-local fiscal relationship.

September 23, 2020

New SPUR/CA Fwd Report Finds State Tax System Discourages Affordable Housing Production

Pointing to the housing disincentives built into California’s tax system by Proposition 13 and the deterioration of state funding for supportive infrastructure and services, the study finds that cities that receive a larger share of the property tax they generate contributed a larger share of the housing supply in the Bay Area over a four-year period.

April 13, 2020

Joel Fox: To Tax or Not to Tax, that is the Question

Joel Fox opines on the challenging choices and dire financial straits local and state governments face as the costs of COVID-19 continue to rise.

October 28, 2019

State Senate Majority Leader Hertzberg Offers End-of-Session Assessment of 2019 Legislature

Sen. Hertzberg offers his thoughts on the just concluded legislative session, and further opines on the legacy of Prop 13 and the challenges facing governance when voters are increasingly factually starved and civically buffeted by populist social media.

August 20, 2019

Kosmont on the Fiscal Disincentives Undermining Local Approval of Housing Development

Larry Kosmont identifies the fiscal dysfunction driving city resistance to state-mandated density and offers institutional explanations for California’s current housing crisis.

July 27, 2018

Jeff Prang Modernizing Property Assessment for a 21st Century Los Angeles County

Assessor Prang highlights his department's efforts to update technology to make essential property information easily accessible.

July 18, 2018

Bill Fulton: How To Fix Proposition 13

Bill Fulton, national thought leader in urban planning and accomplished California politician, tackles the tricky question of Prop. 13.

April 9, 2018

Carlyle Hall Opines on LA City’s Forfeiture of Local Control Over ADUs

Land use attorney Carlyle Hall takes on the lack of leadership by Los Angeles officials in establish local ADU controls.



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