November 2014

November 7, 2014

EPA’s McCarthy: A US Climate Action Agenda Before 'The Wave Election'

Gina McCarthy makes the case that addressing climate change is a smart economic move.

November 7, 2014

Lucy Jones Advises LA on Resiliency and ‘The Big One’

Earthquake expert Dr. Lucy Jones discusses the City of LA's upcoming resiliency report.

November 13, 2014

Evidence That It Takes More Than a Great Idea to Produce Great LA Streets

A panel addresses Los Angeles streets at de LaB’s Making LA Conference.

November 13, 2014

Minter: SoCalGas Champions Innovative P2G Technologies

George Minter provides an overview of power-to-gas technologies and comments on fracking.

November 13, 2014

Sec. Anthony Foxx: Improving Transportation Federally Can Begin Locally

Anthony Foxx and Arun Rath discuss the critical need for transportation projects.

November 13, 2014

Mayor Denis Coderre of Montreal Values CityLab 2014 Dialogue

The Mayor of Montreal affirms his city’s commitment to sustainability.

November 7, 2014

Why LA Looks the Way It Does, with No Steward of the Built Environment

Sam Hall Kaplan critiques the City of Los Angeles' approach to design and development.

October 31, 2014

A Success Story: Inglewood Mayor James Butts

Mayor James Butts speaks to investment in Inglewood, as well as efforts to rebrand the city, expand jobs, and reduce crime.

October 30, 2014

Zev Yaroslavsky LA River Greenway Trail: The Valley's 'Missing Link'

Esther Feldman and Mia Lehrer discuss the creation a half-mile section of trail along the LA River that connects existing paths to form a five-mile continuous stretch.


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