August 2015

August 18, 2015

Romero and MacAdams: Who Will Plan & Fund LA River Revitalization?

Two LA River experts comment on the revitalization process now that the Army Corps of Engineer’s Alternative 20 has cleared a critical federal hurdle.

August 18, 2015

OPR’s Alex & ULI’s Goldberg Evaluate Strategic Growth Council AHSC Cap-and-Trade Grants

Ken Alex and Gail Goldberg describe the goals driving the grant program and lessons learned from AHSC’s first round of awards.

August 18, 2015

Pasadena General Plan Update Focuses Future Growth into Downtown & Around Mobility

Vince Bertoni considers why Pasadena has succeeded at pursuing development and long-range planning in a complementary fashion, while other municipalities have struggled.

August 12, 2015

NACWA's New President Adel Hagekhalil Champions ‘One Water'

Hagekhalil provides an update on City of LA wastewater and storm water projects, calling for the breakdown of bureaucratic silos in managing the resource.

August 12, 2015

TPR Readers: Divergent Views on Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Decision

TPR presents five diverse perspectives on the California Supreme Court ruling that upheld a San Jose inclusionary housing ordinance.

August 12, 2015

CALSTART Successfully Commercializing Zero-Emission Buses

John Boesel gives readers a status report on advanced-bus technology and comments on California regulators’ impact on the clean-vehicle industry in the state.

August 7, 2015

A Reality Check: Do Too Many Republicans Want to Defund Federal Surface Transportation Investment?

Congressman Earl Blumenauer advocates for increasing the gas tax in the context of America's failing infrastructure.

August 7, 2015

New York State's 'Energy Czar’ Richard Kauffman Re-Envisioning Industry

Richard Kauffman shares how New York State is reforming regulations, as well as "changing the paradigm" of how government supports renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.

August 7, 2015

San Francisco's Chief Resilience Officer Prioritizes Earthquake, Housing & Sea-Level Preparedness

Patrick Otellini, the first public servant to hold the CRO title, describes San Francisco's specific challenges and the collaboration across jurisdictions to tackle infrastructure issues.


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