May 14, 2019

OPR Director Kate Gordon on Managing California’s Utilities, Wildfires, Housing & Transportation Planning

Gov. Newsom's Director of the Office of Planning & Research, Kate Gordon, presents her office’s extensive responsibilities and initiatives addressing resilience and sustainability.

April 20, 2016

Eaken on CEQA Reform: SB 743’s VMT Metric Is Right for San Francisco and California

Amanda Eaken gives her take on the significance of San Francisco’s VMT action and supports statewide adoption.

April 20, 2016

Hernandez: San Francisco VMT Implementation Avoids CEQA Litigation Unlike Potential OPR Reform

Jennifer Hernandez discusses the importance of San Francisco's local adoption of VMT and possible issues with the upcoming implementation of the metric statewide.

August 18, 2015

OPR’s Alex & ULI’s Goldberg Evaluate Strategic Growth Council AHSC Cap-and-Trade Grants

Ken Alex and Gail Goldberg describe the goals driving the grant program and lessons learned from AHSC’s first round of awards.


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