March 7, 2022

Patrick Condon: Should Cities Now Mandate Affordability & Inclusionary Zoning?

TPR shares this excerpt from University of Vancouver Professor Patrick M. Condon’s book, Sick City, which examines the relationship between urban land values, affordability, and wealth inequality. Condon concludes that through mandated affordability and inclusionary zoning, cities can capture the exorbitant and inflated land wealth currently hoarded as equity for global finance markets to increase supply of stable, affordable, or “non-market” housing.

August 17, 2020

South LA Virtual Town Hall Opposes SB 1120

LA City Councilmembers Herb Wesson and Paul Koretz register their grave opposition to the one-size-fits-all bill, SB 1120, part of a suite of proposals teed up for hearing by the Assembly Appropriations Subcommittee that would be the single biggest attack to date on the residential integrity throughout the state of California—and most especially in LA's historically disadvantaged neighborhoods of color.

May 19, 2020

Ann Sewill & Bill Witte Address COVID-19 & CA’s Housing Crisis

California Community Foundation’s Ann Sewill and Related California's Bill Witte offer their informed perspective on the impacts of COVID-19 and the economic downturn on affordable housing production in Los Angeles.

May 20, 2019

Wall Street in My Backyard: Anti-Eviction Mapping Project

The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project illustrates the influence and interest of Wall Street corporate landlords in California's housing market.


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