
April 2, 2014

Advocating a New Planning Covenant for Los Angeles

Daniel Rosenfeld and Paul Vandeventer have created a framework to anchor the city’s physical timeline that offers insight into a “Fifth Covenant” between Angelenos and the land, setting the stage for sustainable growth.

December 17, 2013

‘One Sante Fe’ Will Anchor Eastern Edge of LA Arts District

Bill McGregor discusses One Santa Fe, a mixed-use development under construction in the Downtown Arts District.

November 1, 2012

Financing Strategy for Aligning Transit and Real Estate - TODs

Excerpts from an article, Aligning Transit and Real Estate: An Integrated Financial Strategy, by Will Fleissig of Communitas Development Inc. and Ian Carlton of the University of California, Berkeley.

October 30, 2012

Leinberger and Becker Hail Smart Growth at Rail~Volution Conference

Chris Leinberger, President of LOCUS, and Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker, address transit-oriented development and smart growth from the perspectives of a real estate developer and a politician.

October 30, 2012

Craig Lawson on Importance of Los Angeles Bicycle Ordinance

Craig Lawson, President of Craig Lawson & Co., LLC, Land Use Consultants based in West Los Angeles, explains the significance of an impending Bicycle Parking Ordinance in the following interview.

October 4, 2012

Sheppard Mullin Hosts CEQA Briefing: SB 226 Guildlines Now Under Review by Governor

After Sheppard Mullin hosted a breakfast on the latest CEQA developments, Alfred Fraijo Jr., a partner at the firm, explains to The Planning Report how actions in the Legislature and in the Courts are creating opportunities for developers.

December 19, 2011

Port of Los Angeles Moves to Draw the Public to the Waterfront through Commercial Development

The Port of Los Angeles is the busiest container port in the United States, and the idea of granting a community access to such a space remains fresh. The following comes from a ULI panel entitled Waterfront Development in the Port of Los Angeles: Strategies for Implementing a Successful Public-Private Partnership. TPR presents remarks by David Mathewson, Port of Los Angeles, and Alison Marik Zeno, Studio Principal, ZENO Design Group, Inc.

November 4, 2011

Real Estate Ponders Industry’s Future Trajectory At ULI Conference

The Urban Land Institute's conference in Los Angeles featured a panel around a publication on where the real estate industry in trending. Peter Rummell, Patrick Phillips, Joseph Azrack, Thomas Toomey, and Victor MacFarlane discuss finance, Baby Boomers, Generation Y, and investment uncertainties.

October 3, 2023

Lendlease’s Head of Sustainability Sara Neff on Developing, Implementing, and Driving Corporate Sustainability

TPR spoke with Sara Neff, Lendlease Americas' Head of Sustainability, and delved into the specific projects they are developing in the Americas, both privately and with the Department of Defense, and how those projects are setting new standards for sustainable practices. Neff also spoke on the challenges and importance of scope three emissions reporting and Lendlease’s ambitious goal of Absolute Zero emissions across all scopes by 2040.

April 13, 2022

Pasadena Mayor Gordo Speaks Out Against SB 9 - What's at Stake!

TPR excerpts Pasadena Mayor Victor Gordo's response to Attorney General Bonta, in which he highlights the City's commitment to protecting its unique architecture and the character of its neighborhoods as irreplaceable cultural and educational resources.



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