Air Quality

June 15, 2020

Bloomberg's Liam Denning: Fighting Climate Change Means Fighting Racial Injustice

Bloomberg columnist Liam Denning describes the ways in which the fight for climate change and racial justice are closely intertwined, revealing how communities of color are disproportionately harmed by the effects of climate change, particularly air quality

June 8, 2020

Part 1: Asm. Cristina Garcia on AB 617’s Role in Funding Community-Led Clean Air 

Assemblymember Cristina Garcia emphasizes the significance of having local air districts at the table with community members and centering their voices to effectively target environmental pollutants as vectors of public health in disadvantaged communities.

June 8, 2020

Part 2: The Natural Park at Ramona Gardens Addressing Open Space & Air Quality Disparities

Lou Calanche & Esther Feldman discuss the Natural Park at Ramona Gardens, a green solution project initiated by the youth of Ramona Gardens that marries ecosystem science and state-of-the-art engineering with a community-driven design process to improve air quality and community health in one of the most polluted neighborhoods in Los Angeles.

April 24, 2020

CARB Chair Mary Nichols on Pandemic’s Confirmation of the Value of Clear Air

Chair Nichols points to the need for global collaboration and science-based decision-making as keys to navigating both the immediate COVID-19 public health crisis as well as the more slow-moving existential threat posed by climate change and air pollution.

January 23, 2018

Governor Brown & CARB Chair Nichols on California's Climate Leadership 

At the recent CARB 50th Anniversary celebration, the Governor and Mary Nichols opined on the progress of the past half-century, opportunities for a low-carbon economy, and challenges of the climate crisis.

September 20, 2016

POLA’s Zero-Emission Demonstration Project Sets Bar High for All Marine Terminals

Dr. Gene Seroka of the Port of LA and Jeffrey Burgin of Pasha Stevedoring & Terminals share how the Green Omni Terminal demonstration proves zero-emission technologies can be integrated into our goods-movement system.

July 26, 2016

CARB’s Mary Nichols on California’s Cap-and-Trade Program & Historic VW Settlement

CARB Chair Mary Nichols updates TPR on the health of California's cap-and-trade program, and comments on the landmark legal settlement with Volkswagen that will fund numerous air quality programs statewide.

June 27, 2016

New Leadership at South Coast AQMD: Wayne Nastri Back as Executive Officer

New South Coast Air Quality Management District Executive Officer Wayne Nastri comments on his priorities and the agency's leadership in pushing for more zero emission vehicles to meet federal standards.

May 1, 2012

Pam O’Connor on SCAG’s Regional Transportation Plan

Interview with Pam O’Connor on how Southern California’s Metropolitan Planning Organization was able to build consensus across six counties and nearly 200 cities to craft a hailed Regional Transportation Plan.

October 20, 2006

SCAQMD Releases 10-Year Plan Aimed at Further Reductions in Regional Pollution

As a Long Beach City Council member, AQMD board member Tania Reyes Uranga knows firsthand why the agency must do all it can to continue curbing the region's emissions.



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